Oregon ITE SimCap NightCap
Date: Wednesday, September 25th, 2019
Time: 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: Shift Drinks, 1200 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR
Cost: Free (no registration required)
Please join your co-chairs Randy Johnson and Kate Petak for a networking happy hour as we celebrate Kate joining the ITE Board and the reboot of Oregon ITE’s Simulation and Capacity Analysis User Group (aka ORSimCap)! Formerly the Simulation Roundtable, we are following the National ITE format to branch out and cover all things analysis related from software to data. We are gathering ideas for further presentations and events, so please bring your ideas. All are welcome to come geek out. The first round of drinks is on ITE!
Date: Wednesday, September 25th, 2019
Time: 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: Shift Drinks, 1200 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR
Cost: Free (no registration required)
Please join your co-chairs Randy Johnson and Kate Petak for a networking happy hour as we celebrate Kate joining the ITE Board and the reboot of Oregon ITE’s Simulation and Capacity Analysis User Group (aka ORSimCap)! Formerly the Simulation Roundtable, we are following the National ITE format to branch out and cover all things analysis related from software to data. We are gathering ideas for further presentations and events, so please bring your ideas. All are welcome to come geek out. The first round of drinks is on ITE!