Oregon ITE September Luncheon
Date: Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Kell’s Irish Pub Event Space: 112 SW 2nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97204
Cost: $20/ITE Member, $25 Non-ITE Member, $10/Student
Date: Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Kell’s Irish Pub Event Space: 112 SW 2nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97204
Cost: $20/ITE Member, $25 Non-ITE Member, $10/Student
We hope you all had a great summer. Now that kids are back in school and adults are back at work, please join us for our fall lunch. We will have two speakers.
- Kristen Harrison from Portland Metro STEM the will give a short presentation about the Portland Metro STEM Partnership, a regional collaboration of public and private organizations with a shared goal of transforming science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for K-12 students. This is perfect timing, because ITE International has just announced a Section and Chapter STEM Outreach Competition. I encourage you all to take this opportunity to get engaged with the Portland Metro STEM Partnership.
- Cathy Leong, ITE International Director for the Western District, will present to us about the One ITE initiative and what it means for us. The Western District One ITE Task Force was formed in June 2018 to examine the implications of ITE International's One ITE initiative, including the possible transitioning of Western District Sections and Chapters to another District. The goal is to work with ITE International's One ITE Task Force, provide guidance and information, and assist Sections and Chapters with their desired next steps. And if there are Sections in the Western District that want to form a new District, the Western District Task Force will serve as a resource during the transition period. The Western District One ITE Task Force's presentation will include information from ITE International on One ITE, present pertinent information from the District's perspective, and answer questions members may have. The goal is make sure that all Sections and Chapters have as much information as possible to make an informed decision.